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Who will be in Jannah? by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad

Sunday 17 November 2013

Once my daughter asked me a question that who will be in Jannah? I said that believers will go to Jannah. She asked, Disbelievers and polytheists people will not go to Jannah? I said, it will not. She said, he will not go to Jannah after a thousand years? I said, it will not. She said, ALLAH is merciful, sooner or later ALLAH will send them to Jannah. I said, will not send. He was surprised and asked, father! why will not he in Jannah? I said that ALLAH said in Qur'an: "Indeed, Allah will not forgive polytheists".

Then she asked, He will forever burning in hell? I said, It is a great sin that he will forever burning in hell. She fell silent to hear it. After a while I saw that she took a tissue paper. I looked at him now he was tailed tears. I asked, daughter! why are you crying? She said that many people are infidels and polytheists, it will all go to hell. I was thinking, is it possible that God put me in hell alone and forgive them all.... Allah ho Akbar Kabeera.

See thinking of little girl... that day, I remember the verse there in which ALLAH said to Holy Prophet S.A.W.W:
"Perhaps, they do not believe, because of grief you will give yourself killed."

- Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)


  1. assalamu alaikum
    I am a sister from the UK and I hope u can help me.
    It has been a long time I feel a longing in my heart to find out more and be closer to my rabb. I am a practicing muslimah
    And I am also studying islamic knowledge but I feel that I want more than that I feel restless all the time the only thing on my mind and in my heart is seeking my lord. Please help me as I am unable to travel far and I need a sheikh to help me spiritually. What do I do I have knocked on a lot of doors asking for direction but I don't get any replies to my answers. Allah swt has shown you the way please guide me spiritually to come closer to our Lord also. Please. JazakAllah

  2. assalamu alaikum
    I am a sister from the UK and I hope u can help me.
    It has been a long time I feel a longing in my heart to find out more and be closer to my rabb. I am a practicing muslimah
    And I am also studying islamic knowledge but I feel that I want more than that I feel restless all the time the only thing on my mind and in my heart is seeking my lord. Please help me as I am unable to travel far and I need a sheikh to help me spiritually. What do I do I have knocked on a lot of doors asking for direction but I don't get any replies to my answers. Allah swt has shown you the way please guide me spiritually to come closer to our Lord also. Please. JazakAllah



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