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“Bedaagh Jawani” by Saifullah Naqshbandi

Saturday 16 November 2013

Saifullah Naqshbandi (Ibne Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad) writes in his book “Bedaagh Jawani” that The purpose of a Muslim’s life is preparation for life, while a non-Muslim’s life goal is to achieve the infinite self.

Both realize that this life is temporal, but whereas the non-muslim wishes to satisfy his nafs as much as he can in this limited time, the muslim recognizes that he has to struggle to perform righteous deeds and acts of worship in this life so he can reap benefits in the hereafter .

The muslim looks at everything through the lens of the Hereafter and sacrifices instant gratification for later benefit,the non-believer views everything through the lens of of satisfying his nafs and instant gratification .

Thus the non-believer is totally disconnected with any concept of Hereafter and this is the fundamental difference between a Muslim and a non-muslim.

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